aVS User Guides

This page provides direct access to a number of user guides relating to specific aspects of operation and functionality. These are just a selection of the available documentation - please contact the support team for more information.

Outline User Guide

provides initial overview information for aVS operation

port playlist-mode operation

port sequence-mode operation

describes use of a playout port in Playlist and Sequence modes - 'playlist' allows clips to be played in any order one at a time, 'sequence' allows clips to be played seamlessly, back-to-back

multiport control

allows control of multiple ports from a single panel

gui customisation

gadget bar customisation

describes how the FMC (Flexible Media Controller) GUI application is used and customised, and how to edit the gadget sidebar (where present)

establishing a remote connection

describes how a connection can be established to the aQ network, to enable remote access for diagnostic and support purposes

scheduled recording

how to setup and manage the scheduled recordings process